What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ when we feel stirred up with anger in our families, neighborhoods, wards, workplaces, online communities, and public forums? It is challenging to heed prophetic invitations to take more seriously the Savior’s call to “love your enemies” and to be peacemakers while maintaining integrity.
Redemption for the dead taps into the deepest purposes of creation and the atonement. It encompasses individuals’ development, the purpose of existence, and the grand scope of God’s love. Revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants illuminate Malachi’s prophecy about Elijah and the turning of humanity’s hearts to one another.
Revelation is the indispensable part of the Restoration. It is central to our existence as the restored Church of Jesus Christ, and it can come to us in a multitude of different ways. Throughout his life, Joseph Smith revealed that speaking is a part of who God is. He laid a foundation for a theology of what this book calls “revelatory abundance.”
Through exploring and analyzing both well-known and often overlooked sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, this book provides answers to these central questions: How does the Lord interact with His people? How does He encourage them and move them forward? And what is He trying to teach us about how we should interact with one another?
Can your choices affect God’s plans? Are there times when being “acted upon” is a good thing? Does following a covenant path make you less “authentic”? If you are born with a particular nature and disposition, just how free are you? And how responsible are you for the choices you make?
While many view law as a harsh standard leading to judgment and punishment, the Doctrine and Covenants presents it as a divine blessing. It describes law as a ladder of grace, helping the faithful draw closer to their Heavenly Parents and receive abundant blessings.
A volume on time may seem a puzzling inclusion in a series exploring themes in the Doctrine and Covenants. However, some refrains remain invisible until we conceive and name them, which allows us to probe. The Doctrine and Covenants has enough to say about time, once we know how to look for it, that it might well change how we engage the gospel and our lives.
In this introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants, Media Studies scholar Mason Kamana Allred focuses our vision on practices and principles of seeing. He looks at how looking itself is a unique devotional mode in Latter-day Saint belief.
In the courtroom representing individuals accused of crimes, Heather Chesnut learned fundamentals of Christian discipleship. This book shares compelling stories from the eighteen years she worked at the Salt Lake Legal Defender Association.
Interpreting 1 Nephi 8 is an invitation to view again one of the Book of Mormon's best-known texts. From the fresh interactions of an array of artists and scholars, the theological significance of Lehi's dream emerges anew.
Joseph Smith's observation that "by proving contraries, truth is made manifest" has become a beloved aphorism of Latter-day Saint thought. In Both Things Are True, Kate Holbrook experiments on these words.
A collection of essays from accomplished academics and professionals who speak about discipleship not only with their minds but also from their hearts.
Part 6 of volume 4 attempts to recover the original text of the Book of Mormon by identifying variations in the text that have been introduced through scribal, typesetting, and editing errors and inconsistencies.
Part 2 of volume 4 examines 898 cases of variation (or potential variation). For 388 of these cases, the critical text proposes a change from the standard text (the current edition).