Themes in the Doctrine and Covenants: Divine Aid
The Doctrine and Covenants provides profound insight into the never-ending mercy, aid, encouragement, and opportunities that the Lord Jesus Christ—as the dominant voice in the Doctrine and Covenants—offers His people. In the Doctrine and Covenants, individuals are not defined by their shortcomings. Rather the Lord is constantly encouraging them to leave their weaknesses behind and to move forward. The images of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in the Doctrine and Covenants are certainly not ones of remote gods but rather of a loving Divine Father and a Savior who are deeply invested in humanity’s welfare.
Through exploring and analyzing both well-known and often overlooked sections in the Doctrine and Covenants, this book provides answers to these central questions: How does the Lord interact with His people? How does He encourage them and move them forward? And what is He trying to teach us about how we should interact with one another?