Seventy Times Seven: Jesus's Path to Conflict Transformation Skip to main content

Seventy Times Seven: Jesus's Path to Conflict Transformation

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What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ when we feel stirred up with anger in our families, neighborhoods, wards, workplaces, online communities, and public forums? It is challenging to heed prophetic invitations to take more seriously the Savior’s call to “love your enemies” and to be peacemakers while maintaining integrity.

As a professor of peacebuilding, a conflict mediator, and a follower of Jesus, Chad Ford offers valuable perspectives on how to avoid or reconcile contention when life’s inevitable disagreements arise. Step by step, he shows how Jesus’s path of practicing forgiveness and reconciliation 70×7 has the power to repair relationships by transforming destructive conflict into constructive peace.


Chad Ford

Chad Ford is an international conflict mediator, facilitator, and peace educator. He completed a Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University and a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law School. He worked for a few years at ESPN and then joined the faculty at BYU-Hawaii. During his nearly twenty years at BYU-Hawaii, Ford created a major and certificate program in intercultural peacebuilding and served as the inaugural Director of the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding. In 2024, Ford took a joint faculty position with the Religious Studies department and the Heravi Peace Institute at Utah State University. His work at USU focuses on inter- and intra-faith conflict reconciliation and intercultural mediation. Ford is also the author of Dangerous Love: Transforming Fear and Conflict at Home, at Work, and in the World, which weaves his professional and personal experiences into a deeply personal exploration of how we transform fear and conflict.