As saints from across the world gather together to study the Book of Mormon for Come, Follow Me in 2024, there are many resources available to assist individuals in their studies. The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship has always been committed to nurturing disciple-scholars, encouraging students, faculty, members, and non-members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to combine study and faith.
Over the years, we have published many Book of Mormon-related resources, and now we've compiled them here for this very special Book of Mormon year. We seek to help all disciple-scholars find deeper insights and spiritual growth as they explore the Book of Mormon and its teachings during 2024.
Approaching the Tree: Interpreting 1 Nephi 8 (2023)
Approaching the Tree: Interpreting 1 Nephi 8 is an invitation to view again one of the Book of Mormon's best-known texts. From the fresh interactions of an array of artists and scholars, the theological significance of Lehi's dream emerges anew. Together these able guides show, once more, both book and dream to be rich and deep, and worthy of repeated reflection.
- Approaching the Tree: Interpreting 1 Nephi 8 edited by Benjamin Keogh, Joseph M. Spencer, & Jennifer Champoux
Brief Theological Introductions to the Book of Mormon Series (2020)
The Book of Mormon: brief theological introductions series seeks Christ in scripture by combining intellectual rigor and the disciple’s yearning for holiness. It answers Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s call to explore the book’s “divine architecture”: “There is so much more in the Book of Mormon than we have yet discovered. The book’s divine architecture and rich furnishings will increasingly unfold to our view, further qualifying it as ‘a marvelous work and a wonder.´” (Isaiah 29:14)
- 1st Nephi: a brief theological introduction by Joseph Spencer
- 2nd Nephi: a brief theological introduction by Terryl Givens
- Jacob: a brief theological introduction by Deidre Nicole Green
- Enos, Jarom, Omni: a brief theological introduction by Sharon J. Harris
- Mosiah: a brief theological introduction by James E. Faulconer
- Alma 1-29: a brief theological introduction by Kylie Nielson Turley
- Alma 30-63: a brief theological introduction by Mark A. Wrathall
- Helaman: a brief theological introduction by Kimberly Matheson
- 3rd, 4th Nephi : a brief theological introduction by Daniel Becerra
- Mormon: a brief theological introduction by Adam S. Miller
- Ether: a brief theological introduction by Rosalynde Frandsen Welch
- Moroni: a brief theological introduction by David F. Holland
Breves Introducciones Teologicas del Libro De Mormón Serie (2020)
Las Breves Introducciones Teologicas del Libro De Mormón busca a Cristo en las Escrituras combinando el rigor intelectual y el anhelo de santidad del discípulo. Responde al llamado del élder Neal A. Maxwell de explorar la “arquitectura divina” del libro: “Hay mucho más en el Libro de Mormón de lo que hemos descubierto hasta ahora. La arquitectura divina y el rico mobiliario del libro se revelarán cada vez más ante nuestra vista, lo que lo calificará aún más como ‘una obra maravillosa y un prodigio.'” (Isaías 29:14).
- 1er Nefi: una breve introducción teológica por Joseph Spencer (traducción al español por Pablo Silveira, Kindle)
- 2do Nefi: una breve introducción teológica por Terryl Givens (traducción al español por Pablo Silveira, Kindle)
- Jacob: una breve introducción teológica por Deidre Nicole Green (traducción al español por Pablo Silveira, Kindle)
- Mosía: una breve introducción teológica por James E. Faulconer (traducción al español por Pablo Silveira, Kindle)
The Book of Mormon Made Harder (2014)
Latter-day Saint philosopher James E. Faulconer’s MADE HARDER series raises many more questions than it answers. And that is precisely the point. Faulconer wrote The Book of Mormon Made Harder on the premise that our scripture study is only as good as the questions we bring to the endeavor. While many books about the Book of Mormon provide useful shortcuts, chapter synopses, timelines, and memorizable bullet points, this book consists almost entirely of challenging questions.
- The Book of Mormon Made Harder by James E. Faulconer
Blog Posts
Book of Mormon Reflections on Maxwell Institute Website (2024)
In 2024, the Maxwell Institute is offering a weekly series of short essays on the Book of Mormon, in support of the Church-wide Come, Follow Me study curriculum. Each week, the Maxwell Institute blog will feature a post by a member of the Institute faculty exploring an aspect of the week’s reading block. We hope these explorations will enrich your study and teaching of the Book of Mormon throughout the coming year.
- The Book of Mormon and the New Commandment (Introductory pages) by Rosalynde Frandsen Welch
- 1 Nephi 1-5: God’s Generosity and a new beginning of the Book of Mormon by Kristian Heal
- 1 Nephi: 6-10: Family and Faith in the Wilderness by Kristian Heal
- 1 Nephi 16-22: The Consolation of Prophecy by Kristian Heal
- 2nd Nephi 1-2: Men Are That They Might Have Joy by Kristian Heal
- 2nd Nephi 3-5: Exodus by Terryl Givens
- 2nd Nephi 6-10: They Shall Have A Perfect Knowledge of Their Enjoyment by Terryl Givens
- 2nd Nephi 11-19: Scripture and Vision: Revelation in Audiovisual or Textual Form by Rosalynde Frandsen Welch
Book of Mormon Studies Podcast (2024)
A new podcast show for 2024 by Maxwell Institute Podcast host Rosalynde Frandsen Welch, who interviews various religious scholars about the Book of Mormon. Two episodes come out each month–an episode about the book's actual text, and an episode about the scholarship surrounding that book. Learn as scholars share their insights about the Book of Mormon and take a deeper dive into scholarship.
- Book of Mormon Studies Podcast Introduction with Rosalynde Frandsen Welch
- Book of Mormon Studies Podcast: 1 Nephi Text with Kimberly Matheson
- Book of Mormon Studies Podcast: 1 Nephi Scholarship with Jasmin Rappleye Gimenez
- Book of Mormon Studies Podcast: 2 Nephi Text with Joshua Sears
- Book of Mormon Studies Podcast: 2 Nephi Scholarship with Timothy Farrant
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (past issues)
Established in 1992 by founding editor Stephen D. Ricks, the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies is the leading venue for scholarly work on the Book of Mormon. The journal publishes research articles, research notes, book reviews, review essays, literature reviews, and interviews focused on the Book of Mormon. The journal serves a general readership, including scholars interested in the Book of Mormon as an object of research and lay readers hoping to learn more about their sacred text.
- Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Volume 32 edited by Joseph M. Spencer
- Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (1992-2022) edited by Stephen D. Ricks, Brian Hauglid, Mark Alan Wright, and Joseph M. Spencer