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2nd Nephi

a brief theological introduction
Cover photo of 2 (second) Nephi BTI (brief theological introduction)

I have seen a vision, in which I know that Jerusalem is destroyed . . .

In the wake of epic cataclysm, Nephi launches a second book of writings. Inspired by the prophet Isaiah’s remarkable account of the scattering and gathering of God’s covenant people, Nephi aches to reassure his family by providing a clear understanding of their unbroken place in God’s designs. Interweaving history, theology, and prophecy, Nephi brings together the covenant’s ancient roots and its future fulfillment, orienting everything around the person of Jesus Christ.

In this brief theological introduction, Terryl Givens echoes Nephi’s invitation for readers to keep Christ front and center in their minds, hearts, and worship. Givens finds clear emphasis on the Redeemer’s healing atonement, the promise of resurrection, the necessity of oppositional strife and of agency wisely employed, and other plain and precious truths lost or obscured by time. Above all, Nephi presents essential elements of the doctrine of Christ, emphasizing repentance as a lifelong process of heart reeducation, and of scripture as a resource for spiritual succor and personal revelation.

Jerusalem is destroyed.

But all is not lost.

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Terryl L. Givens

September 12, 2022 11:31 AM
For many years, Terryl Givens was the Jabez A. Bostwick Chair of English at the University of Richmond. Now a senior research fellow at Brigham Young University’s Neal A. Maxwell Institute, Givens is the author of several books on the Latter-day Saint tradition, including Wrestling the Angel, By the Hand of Mormon, and The Pearl of Greatest Price. With his wife, Fiona, he coauthored The Crucible of Doubt, The God Who Weeps, and The Christ Who Heals.

Additional Information

  • Table of Contents

    Series Introduction


    The New (and Very Old) Covenant

    They Are Not Cast Off

    To the Convincing of Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ

    More Plain and Precious Things



    Editions of the Book of Mormon



  • Publication Information

    Subject: Book of Mormon

    Publication Month: April

    Publication Year: 2020

    Language: English

    ISBN 13: 978-0-8425-0008-1

    Page Count: 115

    Binding: Paperback, eBook

    Price: $ 9.95

    Imprint: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship