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. . . ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son. . .

This call to pure love marks the culmination of Moroni’s book—and thus of the Book of Mormon. With his final words the prophet concludes that love is the lens through which we can fully understand our Savior, the essential quality in our quest to become like him.

David Holland shows the book of Moroni to be an intentionally organized collection of artifacts, pointing readers toward the transformative power of divine love. He interprets Moroni’s teachings as a “theology of the Gift”—a doctrinal depiction of a God whose nature is to give. This theology powerfully reminds Latter-day Saints that the ordinances we observe, the community we serve, and the talents we develop are all gifts designed to draw us toward the culminating bestowal of Christlike love. Ultimately, this theology rests upon the truth that Jesus Christ is the Gift from which all other gifts flow.

See more Brief Theological Introductions Here

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David F. Holland

David Holland is the John Bartlett Professor of New England Church History at Harvard Divinity School and the Director of Graduate Studies in Religion at Harvard University. He is the author of Sacred Borders: Continuing Revelation and Canonical Restraint in Early America, published by Oxford University Press.

Additional Information

  • Publication Information

    Subject: Book of Mormon

    Publication Month: December

    Publication Year: 2020

    Language: English

    ISBN 13: 978-0-8425-0013-5

    Binding: Paperback, eBook

    Price: $ 9.95

    Imprint: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship