Alma 30-63 Skip to main content

Alma 30-63

a brief theological introduction
cover photo for Alma 30-63 BTI (Brief theological introduction)

Now is the time and the day of your salvation . . .

Alma the Younger is forever changed by an overwhelming personal experience with God’s mercy—a mercy capable of overpowering justice and giving Alma the means to exercise faith unto repentance. Driven by his new desire to share the joy that God’s mercy brings, Alma confronts the apostate Korihor, preaches a sermon on faith to the Zoramite outcasts, and encourages and consoles his sons. His ministry cannot be understood apart from the miraculous transformation initiated and powered by God’s mercy.

In this brief introduction to the second half of the book of Alma, philosopher Mark Wrathall painstakingly works out the logic of Alma’s understanding of faith, justice, mercy, and the final judgment and restoration of all things, encouraging readers to receive salvation today.

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Mark Wrathall

Mark Wrathall is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at Corpus Christi College. He works on the phenomenology of agency and religious life, and is interested in the temporality of human existence. He is the author of Phenomenology and Human Existence (forthcoming with Oxford University Press), Heidegger and Unconcealment (Cambridge University Press), and How to Read Heidegger (W. W. Norton). He has edited numerous volumes, including The Cambridge Heidegger Lexicon and Religion After Metaphysics.
When I finished the last page and closed the book I literally said, ‘Wow, that is one impactful book!’ If you’ve ever been frustrated at the tension created by seemingly contradictory doctrines or desires, this book is for you.
Amy Nelson, They May Be Light

Additional Information

  • Table of Contents

    Series Introduction


    PART I - Alma's Sermon on the Seed

    Belief, Knowledge, and Faith

    Alma and Korihor

    Alma Among the Zoramites

    Faith as a Practical Stance

    Part II - Alma on Justice and Mercy

    Faith Unto Repentance

    The Phenomenology of Anguish and Mercy

    Justice and Mercy

    PART III - Alma on the Temporal Nature of Human Existence

    Death and Probationary Time

    Death and the Restoration





    Scripture Index


  • Publication Information

    Subject: Book of Mormon

    Publication Month: October

    Publication Year: 2020

    Language: English

    ISBN 13: 978-0-8425-0020-3

    Page Count: 164

    Binding: Paperback, eBook

    Price: $ 9.95

    Imprint: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship