Kristian Heal is a Senior Research Fellow at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. His research focuses on the reception of the Hebrew Bible in early Christian literature and worship. He took a BA in Jewish History from University College London, an MSt in Syriac studies from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Theology from the University of Birmingham. Prior to his current appointment, Dr. Heal was the Associate Director of the Maxwell Institute (2017-2018), the Director of BYU’s Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts (2004-2016), and the editor of BYU’s Eastern Christian Texts Series (2002-2018). Dr. Heal is the author or editor of nine book, most recently Genesis 37 and 39 in the Early Syriac Tradition (Brill, 2023), and Narsai: The Homilies. Volume 1, which he edited with Aaron Butts and Robert Kitchen (Peeters, 2024).