Kristian S. Heal is a Senior Research Fellow at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. His research focuses on the reception of the Hebrew Bible in early Christian literature and worship. He received a BA in Jewish History from University College London, an MSt in Syriac studies from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Theology from the University of Birmingham. Prior to his current appointment, he was the Associate Director of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (2017-2018), the Director of BYU’s Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts (2004-2016), and the editor of BYU’s Eastern Christian Texts Series (2002-2018). He is the author of Genesis 37 and 39 in the Early Syriac Tradition
For further information, see
Genesis 37 and 39 in the Early Syriac Tradition
Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Aaron the Priest
Clavis to the Metrical Homilies of Narsai
Edited Volumes
Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints
Narsai: Rethinking his Work and his World
Literature, Rhetoric, and Exegesis in Syriac Verse
Breaking the Mind: New Studies in the Syriac Book of Steps
Foundations for Syriac Lexicography IV: Colloquia of the International Syriac Language Project
Selected Book Chapter and Articles
“Early Christian Biblical Interpretation.” Pages 297–309 in The Bible and the Latter-day Saint Tradition
“How the Book of Mormon Reads Ancient Religious Texts
“Preaching Christ: Scripture, Sermons, and Practical Exegesis.” Pages 25–61 in Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints
“Syriac Studies in the Contemporary Academy: Some Reflections.” Pages 279-286 in Syriac Christian Culture: Beginnings to Renaissance
“New Sources for the Armenian Commentary on Genesis Attributed to Ephrem.” Pages 522-532 in The Embroidered Bible: Studies in Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in Honour of Michael E. Stone
“Catalogues and the Poetics of Syriac Manuscript Cultures
“Patristic Writings in Early Mormon Periodicals
“Joseph as a Type of Christ in the Syriac Tradition