Win an autographed copy of Adam Miller's Letters to a Young Mormon Skip to main content
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Win an autographed copy of Adam Miller's Letters to a Young Mormon

One month ago we announced the release of Adam Miller's Letters to a Young Mormon. A lot of readers have told us they can't wait to recommend the book to family, friends, and fellow church members. It's so good, you'll need an extra copy to give away or lend out. We want to make that easier by giving away six autographed copies of Letters in a new Facebook contest.

Here's how to enter:

Take a small photograph of a favorite quote or excerpt from Letters (not to exceed 100 words), like this:

Share the photo on your Facebook wall.

Send the photo and your email address to the Maxwell Institute in a Facebook message.

Three winning submissions (selected at random) will be posted on our Facebook wall over the next few weeks and winners will be notified by email. Remember, we're looking for photos of the quotes on the page or mobile device, not typed quotes.

If you don't own a copy of Letters, here's how to enter:

Follow the Maxwell Institute on Facebook by 'Liking' our page.

When you see a photographed excerpt from Letters appear on our Facebook wall, click 'Share' and post it to your own wall:

Three sharers will be randomly selected and notified through Facebook by the end of February. (Note: You may need to check your 'other' messages folder in order to see a winning notification.) May the odds be ever in your favor!