Though raised as a Latter-day Saint in Utah, Samuel M. Brown was an atheist from an early age, and proud of it. At least until God became an undeniable presence in his life. His conversion to the faith of his forbearers happened by degrees, and today he is joyfully living a life in Christ. In this volume, Sam Brown narrates a number of the waypoints on his journey into believing and belonging. Some of those moments are dramatic, but many are composed of small and simple things, which take on profound significance as Sam reflects on them now in these pages.
With gentle, self-critical humor and a generous regard for those who have accompanied him on his way, this book by Sam Brown is an offer to walk with you a while on your own journey of faith.
God is real. Christ is real. Love is real. We belong to one another. Sam Brown not only recounts his spiritual journey to arrive at these simple but inexhaustible truths but invites the reader to join with him in opening up to the possibilities inherent in a God-drenched world. These probing and moving essays show what can happen when a brilliant mind meets the refinement of a beautiful soul. The Latter-day Saint community is richer, and the world is truer, because Sam Brown has chosen the life of faith.
Where the Soul Hungers models discipleship that engages both the mind and heart. Members of the Church will find new insights into their devotional habits, and those whose faith practices are burdened by questions and concerns will find a sympathetic fellow traveler who brings hope and purpose to the journey. Brown responds to such challenges by participating in practices of faith and engaging with his church community. He combines memorable personal experiences with detailed musings that uncover spiritual significance in his life and in modern life more broadly.
Metanoeo, “to repent,” can be more richly translated as “to reshape the heart; to think differently.” Sam Brown models how to do both, in tender, compelling stories that are deeply personal and profoundly universal. His at times searing vulnerability is our gain, in this edifying and moving memoir.