Warfare in the Book of Mormon Skip to main content

Warfare in the Book of Mormon


“People may well ask: Why study warfare in the Book of Mormon? There are so many answers, among which are these: to understand better the events in the Book of Mormon, to develop a perspective against which to understand its teachings and messages, to enjoy the interesting lives of a remarkable people, and to aid in assaying the historicity of the book, ” writes John W. Welch at the beginning of Warfare in the Book of Mormon.

About the Author & Editor

Stephen D. Ricks

Stephen D. Ricks (Ph.D. in Near Eastern Religions, University of California, Berkeley, and Graduate Theological Union) is Professor of Hebrew and Cognate Learning in the Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages at Brigham Young University. He served as president of the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies and as chairman of the board, as the founding editor of the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, and as Associate Dean of General Education and Honors at Brigham Young University.

Table of Contents

Why Study Warfare in the Book of Mormon?

Why Is So Much of the Book of Mormon Given Over to Military Accounts?

Purpose of the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon

An Oath of Allegiance in the Book of Mormon

Law and War in the Book of Mormon

"Holy War": The Sacral Ideology of War in the Book of Mormon and in the Ancient Near East - The Basic Pattern

The Sons of Mosiah: Emissaries of Peace

Warfare and the Book of Mormon

The Gadianton Robbers as Guerrilla Warriors

Notes on "Gadianton Masonry"

Secret Combinations, Warfare, and Captive Sacrifice in Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon

The Impact of Shifting Cultural Assumptions on the Military Policies Directing Armed Conflict Reported in the Book of Alma

Nephite Captains and Armies

Book of Mormon Tribal Affiliation and Military Castes

Swords in the Book of Mormon

Scimitars, Cimeters! We Have Scimitars! Do We Need Another Cimeter?

Notes on the Cimeter (Scimitar) in the Book of Mormon

The Bow and Arrow in the Book of Mormon

Armor in the Book of Mormon

Fortifications in the Book of Mormon Account Compared with Mesoamerican Fortifications

Seasonality of Warfare in the Book of Mormon and in Mesoamerica

The Importance of Warfare in Book of Mormon Studies

Publication Information

Subject: Book of Mormon
Publication Year: 1990
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0875793009
Page Count: 544
Price: $ 19.95
Imprint: Deseret Book