Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Maxwell Institute Study Edition
This exquisitely produced volume presents the official LDS edition of the Book of Mormon in an attractive, accessible, readable version that brings to Latter-day Saints the helpful features that have been part of standard Bible publishing for decades: paragraphs, quotation marks, poetic stanzas, section headings, and superscripted verse numbers.
The latest LDS scholarship is reflected in its brief, thoughtfully considered footnotes, although the focus is always on the text itself—its wording, structure, and interconnections—allowing the book’s sacred message to be heard anew. The Maxwell Institute Study Edition, produced by believing scholars, is ideally suited to both new readers of the Book of Mormon and also those who know the book well and have loved its teachings and testimony of Christ for many years.
Grant Hardy is a professor of history and religious studies at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He has a BA in Ancient Greek from Brigham Young University and a PhD in Chinese language and literature from Yale. He is the editor of The Book of Mormon: A Reader’s Edition (University of Illinois Press) and the author of Understanding the Book of Mormon: A Reader’s Guide (Oxford University Press), in addition to several other books and articles on Chinese history, ancient historiography, and Mormon studies. He has also produced two audiovisual courses for the Great Courses company: Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition and Sacred Texts of the World.
"Of course, read the Book of Mormon in any format, but if you have the option, read this version. It is currently the best edition of the Book of Mormon available."
Brant A. Gardner, Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
"Being able to take delight in re-reading a book I have read and studied for over fifty years is a joy."
Dennis Clark, Association for Mormon Letters
"By combining with a serious and thoughtful scholar like Grant Hardy, the Church has produced and authorized a version of its signature scripture that is orders of magnitude more helpful, and more scholarly, than anything it has produced before."
Michael Austin, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
"This edition is a pleasure to read, and your attention is on the content of the scripture, not on how many more verses you have to read before you complete your obligatory two-chapters-a-day reading commitment."
Ardis E. Parshall,
"The footnotes will no doubt look sparse to a reader of the standard edition, but this is very much a feature, not a bug... Footnotes are reserved for critical information, and thus will reward a reader paying actual attention to them."
Kevin Barney, By Common Consent
"Reading the Book of Mormon with a different format and page layout can help readers look at old scriptures with new eyes. Different doctrines and messages will come alive with verses grouped together in meaningful paragraphs. New pieces of inspiration and insight can be found as readers study the footnotes and supplementary material."
Neal Rappleye, Book of Mormon Central
"Importantly, Emma Smith’s testimony is included here in company with the testimony of the three and the eight witnesses, as well as her husband’s testimony. Having a woman’s witness is important for so many reasons, and it is a relief that the editor also felt that including her voice was imperative to this printing."
Additional Information
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Testimony of Three Witnesses
Testimony of Eight Witnesses
Testimony of Emma Smith
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Brief Explanation about the Book of Mormon
Brief History of the Text
Using the Study Edition
The Book of Mormon
Title Page
The Small Plates of Nephi
1 Nephi
2 Nephi
Mormon's Explanatory Comments
Words of Mormon
Mormon's Abridgment of the Large Plates of Nephi
3 Nephi
4 Nephi
Mormon (chapters 1–7)
Moroni's Additions to His Father's Record
Mormon (chapters 8–9)
Maps and Charts
Joseph Smith's Statements on the Book of Mormon
Stories of the Translation
General Notes
Literary Parallelism
Index of Names
Reference Guide to the Book of Mormon
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Publication Information
Publication Information
Subject: Book of Mormon
Publication Month: December
Publication Year: 2018
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-1-9443-9465-3
Page Count: 649
Illustration(s): 22
Price: $ 34.99
Imprint: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship