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Since Cumorah


A hundred years ago, the Book of Mormon was regarded by the scholarly world as an odd text that simply did not fit their understanding of the ancient world. Since that time, however, numerous ancient records have come to light, including the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi texts.

These discoveries have forced scholars to change their views of history, and they place the Book of Mormon in a new light as well.

That is why respected Latter-day Saint scholar Hugh Nibley wrote Since Cumorah, a brilliant literary, theological, and historical evaluation of the Book of Mormon as an ancient book.

Drawing upon a multitude of Hebrew, Coptic, and early Christian texts, Dr. Nibley looks at both the background and the text of the Book of Mormon. He compares the Book of Mormon with the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the records of the primitive church and related or apostate groups.

He examines its philologically; that is, he examines its language and literature and their relationship. He deals with a number of scientific questions that it poses. Historically, he covers major events, such as the great earthquake; prophetic figures, such as Zenos; and wars, especially during the military career of Moroni. Finally, he discusses the Book of Mormon as prophecy: its themes, warnings, and promises.

Since Cumorah has become, since its first printing, a standard in Book of Mormon scholarship. In this new edition, the text and notes have been checked and reedited, and the editors have restored substantial blocks of material published in the magazine version of this work but not included in the first edition of the book.

Although Dr. Nibley stresses that our knowledge of the ancient world will remain forever tentative, he shows that the book once ridiculed by scholars has a right to be taken seriously and to be reevaluated in light of the documents discovered since the publication of the Book of Mormon.

About the Author

Hugh Nibley

A new "Nibley Library" page is currently under construction that will feature Nibley treasures untold. In the meantime, here's a list of Nibley's contributions to FARMS and the Maxwell Institute over the years. Hugh Nibley was one of the most gifted scholars in the LDS Church. He graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and completed his PhD as a University Fellow at UC Berkeley. He taught at Claremont College in California before serving in military intelligence in World War II. From 1946 until his death in 2005, he was associated with and taught at Brigham Young University.

Table of Contents

Foreword to the 1967 Edition


Chapter 1: ". . . There Can Be No More Bible."

Chapter 2: A New Age of Discovery

Chapter 3: The Illusive Primitive Church

Chapter 4: ". . . But Unto Them It Is Not Given"

Chapter 5: The Bible in the Book of Mormon

Chapter 6: Strange Things Strangely Told

Chapter 7: Checking on Long-Forgotten Lore

Chapter 8: "Forever Tentative . . ."

Chapter 9: Some Fairly Foolproof Tests

Chapter 10: Prophets in the Wilderness

Chapter 11: A Rigorous Test: Military History

Chapter 12: Good People and Bad People

Chapter 13: Prophecy in the Book of Mormon: The Three Periods

Momentary Conclusion

Appendix: Comparison of Editions

Key to Abbreviations

Publication Information

Subject: Hugh Nibley
Publication Year: 1988
Language: English
Edition: 3
ISBN 13: 978-0875791395
Page Count: 528
Price: $ 39.95
Imprint: Deseret Book