The "Mormon Book Review" joins the new Maxwell Institute Podcast
May 27, 2013 12:00 AM
Blair Hodges
We're pleased to announce the launch of the new Maxwell Institute Podcast, featuring interviews with scholars specializing in biblical and scriptural studies, Mormon studies, and religious studies more generally. In addition to episodes hosted by Blair Hodges (formerly of the FAIR Podcast), we've invited Kirk Caudle, host of The Mormon Book Review podcast, to bring his show under the new Maxwell Institute Podcast umbrella. Over the past year, Caudle's show has featured a number of authors including Terryl and Fiona Givens, Patrick Mason, John Turner, and others.Caudle received a bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary studies (Bible and History) from Cascade College and a master's in interdisciplinary studies (Spiritual Traditions and Ethics) from Marylhurst University. He initiated and co-chairs the Mormon Studies Special Topics session of the American Academy of Religion, Pacific Northwest Region conference. He's also spent the past three years as a New Testament instructor at the Portland, Oregon LDS Institute of Religion.We're working on integrating the podcast directly into our blog, and soon you'll be able to subscribe through iTunes. In the meantime, check out Caudle's latest episode, a brief discussion with Blair Hodges about the new Maxwell Institute Podcast.To listen to this episode, right click here and select 'Save as.'