MBR: Richard Bushman revisits Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling Skip to main content
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MBR: Richard Bushman revisits Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling

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Episode 31 of The Mormon Book Review focuses on a new classic in Mormon history—Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling (New York: Vintage Books, 2005). Host Kirk Caudle talks with author Richard L.  Bushman about the continuing relevance of the book, the religious world of Joseph Smith, and nineteenth-century Christian expectations for the second coming of Jesus Christ.Richard Bushman is a Gouverneur Morris Professor of History emeritus at Columbia University. He served as the Howard W. Hunter chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University from 2008–2011. He was co-general editor of the Joseph Smith Papers until 2012. He currently chairs the board of directors for the Mormon Scholars Foundation, and with his wife Claudia, is the Church history adviser for the North American North East Area. He is the author of many books including: Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism (University of Illinois, 1984), Building the Kingdom: A History of Mormons in America (Oxford, 2001), and Mormonism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2008)To listen to this episode, 'Richard Bushman revisits Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling,' right click here and select 'Save as.'You can subscribe to the Maxwell Institute Podcast through iTunes. The podcatcher RSS feed is mi.byu.edu/feed/podcast. Send questions or comments about this and other episodes to blairhodges@byu.edu.