Recent Book of Mormon lecture available on our new YouTube channel Skip to main content
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Recent Book of Mormon lecture available on our new YouTube channel


It has been a few months since Professor James E. Faulconer delivered our annual Laura F. Willes Book of Mormon Lecture, “Sealings and Mercies: Moroni’s Final Exhortation in Moroni 10.” We’re kicking off our new YouTube channel with Faulconer’s fresh perspective on the last chapter of the Book of Mormon.Faulconer teaches in the BYU Philosophy Department and holds the Richard L. Evans Chair of Religious Understanding at BYU. He publishes regularly in journals on topics concerning scripture study and the philosophy of religion.

We plan to provide more videos of the Maxwell Institute’s past and future lectures and events in the coming months. Pass it along.

“Allowing the truth of Moroni’s words to show itself means, first of all, putting into question whatever we currently believe Moroni’s chapter says. That doesn’t require believing that we are wrong. It just means believing that we might be, that there might be things we haven’t seen or things we’ve misunderstood. It means allowing what we read to surprise us, to say things that we hadn’t expected.” —James E. Faulconer