Old Testament and Related Studies

In December 1832, the Lord instructed the Prophet Joseph Smith, “Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.”
Few members of the Church have followed that admonition as faithfully as has Hugh Nibley, emeritus professor of ancient history at Brigham Young University. As a young man he memorized vast portions of Shakespeare and studied Old English, Latin, Greek and other languages. As a student at Berkeley, in he began reading the southwest corner of the ninth level of the library and worked his way down to the northeast corner of the first level, studying every significant book that caught his eye. And throughout his life, he has related everything he has learned to the greatest knowledge of all-the word of the Lord, as revealed in the scriptures and in the temple.
Not content with that, however, Dr. Nibley has dedicated himself to being a teacher, to sharing with others the knowledge he has gleaned through his vast studies. He has lectured and published widely, producing more than three hundred papers and books on a wide variety of subjects.
About the Author
Hugh Nibley
A new "Nibley Library" page is currently under construction that will feature Nibley treasures untold. In the meantime, here's a list of Nibley's contributions to FARMS and the Maxwell Institute over the years. Hugh Nibley was one of the most gifted scholars in the LDS Church. He graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and completed his PhD as a University Fellow at UC Berkeley. He taught at Claremont College in California before serving in military intelligence in World War II. From 1946 until his death in 2005, he was associated with and taught at Brigham Young University.
Table of Contents
Sources and Acknowledgments
Historicity of the Bible
Archaeology and Our Religion
Myths and the Scriptures
Before Adam
Patriarchy and Matriarchy
Unrolling the Scrolls—Some Forgotten Witnesses
Treasures in the Heavens
Great Are the Words of Isaiah
More Voices from the Dust
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Some Questions and Answers
Qumran and the Companions of the Cave: The Haunted Wilderness
Publication Information
Subject: Hugh Nibley
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0875790329
Page Count: 304
Price: $ 39.99
Imprint: Deseret Book