Art Highlight: Our Title of Liberty Skip to main content
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Art Highlight: Our Title of Liberty


This artwork and its accompanying caption were created by Meranda Brodowski, a student artist and designer at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Meranda is from California and has worked at the Maxwell Institute since January. She is a Fine Arts Major at Brigham Young University, with an emphasis in technology. She strives to create inspiring artwork that represents her faith and testimony.

Titled: Our Title of Liberty

This simple artwork celebrates the 4th of July with a pair of siblings working together to raise the American Flag. It’s a classical and somewhat stereotypical image one might envision when thinking about Independence Day. However, as I worked on it, I thought of it as a modern day version for the story of Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty. The Title of Liberty stood as an inspiration for the Nephites to defend their religion, freedom, peace, and families. I hope that the American flag continues to stand for those same ideals no matter the conflicts that arise in the country’s political atmosphere. May we all raise our Title of Liberty with honor for the land God has provided us with!

Please visit to view additional work and artist information.