Art Highlight: I Will Stand As the Oceans Roar Skip to main content
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Art Highlight: I Will Stand As the Oceans Roar

I will stand as the oceans roar.png

This artwork and its accompanying caption were created by Meranda Brodowski, a student artist and designer at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Meranda is from California and has worked at the Maxwell Institute since January. She is a Fine Arts Major at Brigham Young University, with an emphasis in technology. She strives to create inspiring artwork that represents her faith and testimony.

Titled: I Will Stand As the Oceans Roar

“I Am Yours” by Lauren Daigle has been one of my favorite Christian songs for a long time. I’ve had an idea for an illustration inspired by the song sitting in me for an equally long time, but I’ve never been able to capture it in a way I liked until now. The illustration is a depiction of these specific lyrics:

“Let the waters rise
I will stand as the oceans roar
Let the earth shake beneath me
Let the mountains fall
You are God over the storm
And I am Yours”

Like many, I have experienced times when I’ve felt completely overwhelmed and exhausted by the circumstances of my life. Times where it felt like there was a raging storm around me and there wasn’t much I could do to change things. During those challenging moments of life, I’ve come to understand that no matter how extreme things get that God is greater than the storm, and because I belong to Him, He will not let anything harm me beyond repair. So like the girl in the illustration, I can go forward through the storms of life with courage to endure whatever comes my way.

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