This artwork and it's accompanying caption were created by Meranda Brodowski, a student artist and designer at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. Meranda is from California, and has worked at the Maxwell Institute since January. She is a Fine Arts Major at Brigham Young University, with an emphasis in technology. She strives to create inspiring artwork that represents her faith and testimony.
Titled: Happy New Year!
A new year will bring new challenges, but don’t let the hard things alter your choice to be happy! I hope this year, you slow down and have fun! Look for opportunities to enjoy the little things! Take a moment to dance in the refrigerator light! No matter how this year goes, you will always have the power to find and create your own happiness. The scriptures remind us, "men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). Part of our reason for being here is to find true happiness. We can always find joy in the temple or the scriptures but don’t forget to look for it in simple daily experiences.
Please visit www.merandaart.com