June 20: Mormon Theology Seminar conference in London, England Skip to main content
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June 20: Mormon Theology Seminar conference in London, England

From Adam Miller, a director of the Mormon Theology Seminar.

The First Annual Summer Seminar on Mormon Theology will hold a conference on June 20th from 9am-5pm at the Hyde Park Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in London, England. The conference will be open to the public. Presentations will focus on the seminar’s 2014 theme: “A Dream, a Rock, and a Pillar of Fire: Reading 1 Nephi 1.” Each paper is the result of an intensive two-week seminar in which participants collaboratively engaged in a close reading of the first chapter of the Book of Mormon. This is an excellent opportunity for Latter-day Saints and scholars in London to enjoy a conference focusing on the Book of Mormon.

For directions to the Hyde Park Chapel, visit lds.org/locations/hyde-park-chapel.

For those who can’t attend in person, recordings of several papers will be made available on the Maxwell Institute Podcast after the conference has concluded. Go here to subscribe in iTunes, or stream or download episodes from the MI Blog.


James Faulconer, “What is a Mormon Theology Seminar?”

Julie Smith, “Huldah’s Long Shadow: Her Impact on the Book of Mormon”


Ben Peters, “The Missing Medium: Rereading Revelation as Interruption in 1 Nephi 1”

Joseph Spencer, “Why Should Lehi’s Hearers Respond with Violence to His Message of the Messiah? Historical and Theological Suggestions”


George Handley, “Dreams, Visions, and Foolish Imaginations: Alternative History as Sacred History in The Book of Mormon”

Michael Ulrich, “Joining the Heavenly Chorus by Responding Adequately to Revelation”


Miranda Wilcox, “‘Tender Mercies’ in 1 Nephi, the Psalms, and the Language of English Scriptures”

Adam Miller, “Burnt Offerings: Favor, Afflictions, and the Mysteries of God”


The conference is sponsored by the Mormon Theology Seminar in partnership with the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship and with generous support from the Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies and the Richard L. Evans Chair of Religious Understanding. This seminar is under the direction of Adam Miller and Joseph Spencer with assistance from Brian Hauglid, director of the Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies, and James Faulconer, a Richard L. Evans Chair of Religious Understanding and the director of the BYU London Centre.

For more information about the Mormon Theology Seminar, its mission, and archives of its past work, visit mormontheologyseminar.org.