Mormonism and Early Christianity

From the outset of his career, Dr. Hugh Nibley has been centrally concerned with primitive Christianity, especially the shadowy era between the New Testament proper and the emergence and the triumph of the Catholic Church and Holy Roman Empire. That is the era treated in the nine essays collected in this volume.
The essays cover such subjects as early accounts of Jesus’ childhood, the Savior’s forty-day ministry after his resurrection, baptism for the dead in ancient times, the passing of the primitive church, and the early Christian prayer circle.
Each essay examines the close connection between the practices and the doctrines of the early Church and the Church of the latter days. Each essay has been reedited, and all the original sources have been rechecked. Many of the conclusions and arguments in these articles will stand in future scholarship; others will be discarded. But Hugh Nibley’s work has laid the foundation for all further discussion.
About the Author
Hugh Nibley
A new "Nibley Library" page is currently under construction that will feature Nibley treasures untold. In the meantime, here's a list of Nibley's contributions to FARMS and the Maxwell Institute over the years. Hugh Nibley was one of the most gifted scholars in the LDS Church. He graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and completed his PhD as a University Fellow at UC Berkeley. He taught at Claremont College in California before serving in military intelligence in World War II. From 1946 until his death in 2005, he was associated with and taught at Brigham Young University.
Table of Contents
Early Accounts of Jesus' Childhood
Evangelium Quadraginta Dierum: The Forty-day Mission of Christ - The Forgotten Heritage
The Early Christian Prayer Circle
Baptism for the Dead in Ancient Times
The Passing of the Primitive Church: Forty Variations on an Unpopular Theme
The Way of the Church
Jerusalem: In Early Christianty
What Is a Temple?
Christian Envy of the Temple
Key to Abbreviations
Publication Information
Subject: Hugh Nibley
Publication Year: 1987
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0875791272
Page Count: 466
Price: $ 39.95
Imprint: Deseret Book