Living Faith Guidelines for Authors
Living Faith Book Series
Living Faith books are for readers who cherish the life of the mind and the things of the Spirit. Each title offers an example of faith in search of understanding, the unique voice of a practicing scholar who has cultivated a believing heart.
The Living Faith series was created in 2014 at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship to offer young adults and their mentors the perspectives of Latter-day Saint scholars who integrate their academic and professional training with the principles and covenants of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. This distinctive approach offers Latter-day Saint young adults and their mentors nourishing traveling companions on their journeys of faith. Each author personally models the conviction that to live both faithfully and thoughtfully as Latter-day Saints in the 21st century is a vocation worthy of serious reflection and joyful effort. Authors narrate their diverse paths of discipleship seeking truth, navigating tension, and discovering harmony while integrating faith with their professional practice. They articulate expansive, confident, and generous testimonies, testimonies rooted in Jesus Christ and infused with visions of fresh and creative ways to faithfully follow Jesus Christ.
Guidelines for Authors
The Living Faith series is published by the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at Brigham Young University, owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Named after a beloved apostle who epitomized the adventure of discipleship, the Maxwell Institute aims to support "scholars whose work inspires and fortifies Latter-day Saints in their testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and engages the world of religious ideas.” Living Faith authors freely engage and analyze a wide variety of topics and issues as scholars holding academic degrees in their fields and as faithful members of the Church. The format of Living Faith books is flexible to the author’s discipline and voice. However, each volume should be coherently crafted and manifest academic rigor. Living Faith titles are thoroughly reviewed by the series co-editors and peer readers, the Institute’s executive committee, and the assistant academic vice president for religious scholarly publications and the university advisory committee. university . We frequently co-publish with Deseret Book.
Please contact the co-editors Morgan Davis (