James E. Faulconer's MADE HARDER series now available Skip to main content
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James E. Faulconer's MADE HARDER series now available

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship is pleased to announce the publication of James E. Faulconer's new MADE HARDER book series. Each book is available to order on Amazon. Ebook versions will be made available in the coming months.

The Old Testament Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions

The Book of Mormon Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions

The Doctrine & Covenants Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions

Latter-day Saint philosopher James E. Faulconer's MADE HARDER series raises many more questions than it answers. And that is precisely the point. Faulconer wrote each book on the premise that our scripture study is only as good as the questions we bring to the endeavor. They consist almost entirely of challenging questions (with occasional commentary for clarity's sake) because, in Faulconer's experience, questions themselves are the key to fruitful scripture study. This book is intended to make reading harder and therefore fresher by priming your pondering pump with insightful study questions. MADE HARDER books are the perfect tool to improve personal and family scripture study, sacrament meeting talks, or Sunday School lessons.

So much of modern life is geared to finding faster and easier ways to do the same old things. The MADE HARDER series is proof that making things easier does not always make them better.

For more about the MADE HARDER series, see James E. Faulconer's blog post here.