What happens when biblical scholarship meets the faith traditions of Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and Mormonism?
In August 2016, scholarly luminaries from these traditions gathered at a forum sponsored by the Maxwell Institute to speak about their own backgrounds and experiences. James Kugel (Judaism), Candida Moss (Catholicism), and Peter Enns (Protestantism) presented papers, along with Latter-day Saint scholars Philip Barlow, Jill Kirby, David Seely. We’re excited to make their presentations available in the latest Studies in the Bible and Antiquity.
We think volume 8 is one of the strongest to date. In addition to the forum papers, it includes several interesting articles dealing with the Book of Mormon as biblical literature, as well as perspective about Pontius Pilate in the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Volume 8 is rounded out with five book reviews we believe are especially pertinent for Latter-day Saints interested in biblical studies. We hope there is something for all to enjoy here.
Print subscribers should receive their copies shortly. They, along with digital subscribers, can access the full volume online now
For non-subscribers, we’ve selected a few sample pieces from volume 8 for you to check out:
—Editors, Introduction
—Catherine C. Taylor, The Matrilineal Cord of Rahab in the Via Latina Catacomb
—Alex Douglas, Review of David Bokovoy’s
We would also like to announce that Studies in the Bible and Antiquity is going on hiatus. Volumes 1 through 7 are freely available online