PhD, Study of Religion (North American Religions) 2022 Harvard University, Committee on the Study of Religion Dissertation: “American Sacraments: Religion and Ritual in the Early United States” Committee chairs: Catherine Brekus, David Holland
AM, Study of Religion, Harvard University 2020
MA, Religious Studies, University of Chicago 2013
A with University Honors, English and History, Brigham Young University 2009
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“Evangelical Proliferation and Power in the Early United States” in The Routledge History of Religion and Politics in the United States, eds. Lauren Turek and Cara Burnidge, Routledge, forthcoming. “The Forms and the Power: Mapping Mormon Practice,” Mormon Studies Review 6 (2019): 91- 102.
“Saviors on Mount Zion: Mormon Sacramentalism, Mortality, and Baptism for the Dead,” Journal of Mormon History 39, vol. 4 (Fall 2013): 182-238.
Awards and Fellowships
Research Fellowship, Lived Religion the Digital Age Project, Saint Louis University 2020
Short-Term Visiting Academic Research Fellowship, American Antiquarian Society 2020
Research Travel Grant, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism 2019
Term-Time Research Grant, Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History 2019
Dissertation Grant, Brigham Young University Religious Education 2018, 2019
Loeb Fellowship, Harvard Committee on the Study of Religion 2017-18
Gest Fellowship, Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 2017
Award for “Best Article” in Mormon History, Mormon History Association 2014
Fellowship, Jerald C. Brauer Seminar, Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study 2013 of Religion, University of Chicago Divinity School