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Carl Griffin

Senior Research Fellow

Featured Publications

Cyrillona: A Critical Study and Commentary (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2016).

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Carl W. Griffin is a senior research fellow. He received a BA (summa cum laude) in Near Eastern studies and classics from Brigham Young University and an MA and PhD (with distinction) in early Christian studies from the Catholic University of America.

Carl worked at the Maxwell Institute from 2001 through 2020, serving as associate director of the Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts and editor of Studies in the Bible and Antiquity.

Select Publications

Monica Blanchard, Carl W. Griffin, Cornelia Horn, Janet Timbie, “The Armenian Version of the ‘Life of Evagrius of Pontus,’” St. Nersess Theological Review 5–6 (2000-2001): 25–37.

Carl W. Griffin and David L. Paulsen, “Augustine and the Corporeality of God,” Harvard Theological Review 95 (2002): 97–118.

Kristian S. Heal and Carl W. Griffin, eds., Syriac Manuscripts from the Vatican Library: Volume One (Provo, UT: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana and Brigham Young University, 2005).

Carl W. Griffin and Frank F. Judd Jr., “Principles of New Testament Textual Criticism,” in How the New Testament Came to Be,ed. Kent P. Jackson and Frank F. Judd Jr. (Provo and Salt Lake City: Religious Studies Center and Deseret Book, 2006), 78–92.

Carl W. Griffin, “Digital Imaging: Looking Toward the Future of Manuscript Research,” Currents in Biblical Research 5/1 (October 2006): 58–72.

Carl W. Griffin, “Cyrillona’s On Zacchaeus,” in Bountiful Harvest: Essays in Honor of S. Kent Brown, ed. Andrew C. Skinner, D. Morgan Davis, and Carl Griffin (Provo, UT: Maxwell Institute, 2011), 175–203.

Carl W. Griffin, ed., trans., The Works of Cyrillona (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2016).

Carl W. Griffin, Cyrillona: A Critical Study and Commentary (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2016).