Brother Brigham Challenges the Saints Skip to main content

Brother Brigham Challenges the Saints

This volume in the collected works of Hugh Nibley features the gifted Latter-day Saint scholar’s reflections on the thoughts of Brigham Young regarding politics, education, leadership, and the environment. Nibley has brought together a priceless collection of the early Mormon leader’s counsel to the Saints of his era—counsel that is still relevant today. Add to these prophetic insights the scholarship and plain speaking that characterize Dr. Nibley’s works and the result is an eye-opening and sobering invitation to reevaluate our priorities.

The timeliness of Brigham’s counsel on these topics will quickly become apparent to readers, as will the unique insights that Nibley adds. Together they condemn sin and exhort us to live according to higher principles. This volume will amuse, provoke, challenge, and, above all, educate.

About the Author

Hugh Nibley

A new "Nibley Library" page is currently under construction that will feature Nibley treasures untold. In the meantime, here's a list of Nibley's contributions to FARMS and the Maxwell Institute over the years. Hugh Nibley was one of the most gifted scholars in the LDS Church. He graduated summa cum laude from UCLA and completed his PhD as a University Fellow at UC Berkeley. He taught at Claremont College in California before serving in military intelligence in World War II. From 1946 until his death in 2005, he was associated with and taught at Brigham Young University.

Table of Contents

Key to Abbreviations


Man's Dominion, or Subduing the Earth

Brigham Young on the Environment

Stewardship of the Air

Promised Lands

In the Party, but Not of the Party

Brigham Young as a Statesman

Brigham Young and the Enemy

The Uses and Abuses of Patriotism

Renounce War, or a Substitute for Victory

If There Must Needs Be Offense

Warfare and the Book of Mormon

The Day of the Amateur

Educating the Saints

More Brigham Young on Education

Mediocre Meditations on the Media

Criticizing the Brethren

Brigham Young as a Leader

Leaders to Managers: The Fatal Shift

Exemplary Manhood

Publication Information

Subject: Hugh Nibley
Publication Year: 1994
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0875798189
Page Count: 560
Price: $ 45.99
Imprint: Deseret Book