It’s time for another round of “Ask the Scholar,” an occasional blog series in which we ask readers to submit questions about the works and perspectives of various scholars working on Mormon topics. (Check out the Adam Miller edition here.) John L. Sorenson, longtime FARMS contributor and author of the forthcoming book, Mormon’s Codex, has agreed to field your questions.
How to submit a question: Visit the Institute’s Facebook page and post a question in the comments section, OR send a private message to the Institute’s Facebook account, OR tweet your question to @MI_BYU (#askJLS). Questions must be submitted on or before Tuesday, August 27. Matthew Roper will select the best questions to feature in the Q&A.
About John L. Sorenson:
John L. Sorenson received degrees in archaeology and anthropology from BYU (MA) and UCLA (PhD). In addition to chairing BYU’s anthropology department, Sorenson has written more than 200 books and articles, perhaps none more popular than the 1985 classic, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon. Throughout his career, Sorenson has worked to situate the Book of Mormon narrative within the geographical, historical, and cultural circumstances of Mesoamerica. His forthcoming volume, Mormon’s Codex: An Ancient American Book (Deseret Book, Neal A. Maxwell Institute), is the fruit of sixty years of academic study of the Book of Mormon in relation to ancient Mesoamerica. For more, see