Ancient Christian burial practices strongly correlated with their beliefs about life and life after death. The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, a Roman government official in the 4th century AD, depicts several scenes from the Old and New Testaments which reflect the senator’s piety. To the right of the central image on the bottom register, we see the prophet Daniel in the den of lions.
The story of Daniel is representational of the salvation that comes through God. Just as the ancient prophet was miraculously preserved from the jaws of death, so too would Junius Bassus and other faithful Christians be saved from an eternal death. By incorporating images like this in their burials, the hope for salvation was immortalized.
Learn more about burial practices in Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints. Chapter written by Catherine Gines Taylor.
Junius Bassus Sarcophagus, 359 AD.