An Early Resurrection
Life in Christ Before You Die

Along with Nephi, “we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ” (2 Nephi 25:26), but in all our talking and learning, have we learned how to live in Christ? What does a life in Christ look like—or feel like?
In this thought-provoking exploration of the writings of the apostle Paul and Book of Mormon prophets, Adam Miller examines what life in Christ looks like. We often hope for an abundant life with Christ in the next life, but how can we let ourselves and our own desires die so we can be born again to a new life, a full life in Christ, here and now in this mortal life? Embark with Adam Miller on this journey—at once scriptural, philosophical, and literary—and discover one way to share a life with Christ as if he were present today.

"One of the finest books I’ve had the pleasure of reading. It is the kind of book that can reorient the way you experience the ordinary life you are currently living. As one who has spent a great deal of time fretting about my place in the world to come, the message Miller brings is a soothing balm to an achy soul."
"Miller’s work will challenge readers to think deeper about their personal efforts to apply the atoning sacrifice of Christ in their 'current' lives and not wait for blessings that will come at some future time."
"Adam Miller has written an engaging and thought-provoking book. Although not vast in pages, it does contain a depth of thought that invites everyone to read and contemplate the nature of time."
"Adam Miller has put pen to paper (or finger to keypad) and struck again. In this rather remarkable little book, he invites readers to contemplate the beauty and blessing of living a life that is 'in Christ,' an expression the apostle Paul utilizes over 150 times in his epistles. Miller focuses on how members of the body of Christ may prepare best for a glorious future hereafter through experiencing “an early resurrection” here, in the present. Reflecting on the message of this book carefully will motivate readers to look upon the gift of time much more carefully and certainly with new eyes. Within this volume is to be found a distinctive but profound new look at the Savior’s atonement, a gentle but persuasive prod into the quality of life, the 'abundant life,' that God desires for all of His children. This is a book that can adjust your perspective and thereby change your life."
"When a prophet’s trust in God’s future promise was so sure that he lived as if it had already been fulfilled, a special Hebrew verb tense known as the 'prophetic perfect' was used. Adam Miller articulates that experience for us, then shows us how to get there. In Christ, we can both release our grip on our timebound fears and enter the present more deeply."
"This book is two things: the candid report of an ardent soul on its quest for redemption, and the reflections of a philosopher on the gospel and time. It will appeal to readers who manage their religious struggles by thinking, as Adam Miller does so productively."
"This is a book about time—particularly Christ’s ability to defy, fold, and reorder time for our benefit. In a wonderfully fresh, thought-provoking approach, Adam Miller effectively challenges readers to live today as though Christ’s promises were already realities. Because they are. An ideal read for anyone seeking the authentic life—a life in Christ."
"You will look at the world differently after reading this book. 'An Early Resurrection' will help you see many things in a new light: the Book of Mormon, Paul’s New Testament writings, gospel ordinances, people you meet, your stress over too many deadlines, and time itself (especially time itself). Miller’s book offers a deeper understanding of what it means to be alive in Christ now, in the present. And you’ll care for, and care about, the present in a way that can only come with being alive."
About the Author
Adam S. Miller

Adam S. Miller is a professor of philosophy at Collin College in McKinney, Texas. He earned a BA in comparative literature from Brigham Young University and an MA and PhD in philosophy from Villanova University. He is the author of nine books, including Speculative Grace, The Gospel according to David Foster Wallace, Letters to a Young Mormon, and An Early Resurrection. He also directs the Latter-day Saint Theology Seminar.
Table of Contents
As Though He Had Already Come
An Early Resurrection
Life in Christ
The Feel of a Life in Christ
Ordinances Show Us How to Live in Christ
The Rest of the Lord
Types of Christ
Shadows of Things to Come
Baptism Is a Time Machine
Fulfilling the Law in Christ
The Law as Love’s Servant
Christ Is the End of Every Law
Law and the Problem of Desire
Love Is Christ’s Manner of Looking Forward
The Yoke of Christ
God’s Promises Fold the Future into the Present
Faith, Repentance, Baptism, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost
The Body of Christ Has Many Members
The Hearts of the Fathers
A Welding Link
The Heavens Weep
“I Give unto Men Weakness”
Think of Yourself as Dead
Take No Thought for Tomorrow
Be Ye Perfect
Publication Information
ISBN 13: 978-1-62972-368-6
Page Count: 128
Binding: Paperback, eBook
Price: $ 11.99