An Approach to the Book of Abraham

About the Author & Editor
John Gee
John Gee (Ph.D. in Egyptology, Yale University) is William "Bill" Gay Assistant Research Professor of Egyptology at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, where he is a series editor for Studies in the Book of Abraham and a member of the editorial board of the Eastern Christian Texts series. He is also on the board of directors for the Aziz S. Atiya Fund for Coptic Studies at the University of Utah.
Table of Contents
Key to Abbreviations
Editor's Introduction: Hugh Nibley and the Joseph Smith Papyri
As Things Stand at the Moment
Challenge and Response
Qualified for What?
Facsimile 1: A Unique Document
Facsimile 1: By the Figures
The Unknown Abraham
The New Abraham
Judging and Prejudging the Book of Abraham
What, Exactly, Is the Purpose and Significance of the Facsimiles in the Book of Abraham?
The Facsimiles of the Book of Abraham: A Response
The Meaning of the Kirtland Egyptian Papers
Conclusion: Taking Stock
Appendix: "A New Look at the Pearl of Great Price"
Index of Passages
Index of Subjects
Publication Information
Subject: Ancient Near East
Publication Year: 2010
Language: English
ISBN 10: 1606410547
ISBN 13: 978-1606410547
Page Count: 512
Price: $ 38.27
Imprint: Deseret Book