Josh Probert
“I’m interested in the way people draw upon the cultural resources of their material environment to create religious worlds and the ways that these solutions stay constant and also change over time. Having grown up as a Latter-day Saint in Central Utah, I’m interested in the way Mormons have selectively drawn upon the material discourses of Christianity and western gentility in order to carve out uniquely Mormon worlds. Why were some of these styles and approaches abandoned? How they are changing today? These questions help illuminate the things my fellow Latter-day Saints and I have inherited.”
While at the Maxwell Institute, he’ll be working on two projects: first, bringing to publication the late Paul L. Anderson’s manuscript Mormon Moderne: Latter-day Saint Architecture, 1890–1955 and second, reworking and publishing his dissertation, Gilded Religion in the Age of Tiffany, 1877–1932.