"...a rare thing on the American intellectual landscape"—Matthew Bowman on the 2016 Mormon Theology Seminar Skip to main content
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"...a rare thing on the American intellectual landscape"—Matthew Bowman on the 2016 Mormon Theology Seminar

Matthew Bowman

Matthew BowmanThe Mormon theology seminar is a rare thing on the American intellectual landscape: an opportunity to apply and to exercise the academic discipline that I've been trained in, and which I use to earn a living, but to do so also in ways which foster spiritual discipline.The sort of rigorous reflection upon Mormon texts which the Seminar sponsors is therefore meaningful both professionally and personally, and uniquely satisfying for that reason.It's a place where Mormon scholars can go to seek their whole person, with both mind and spirit, critical thought and devotion, fused into one exhausting yet satisfying two-week period.I'd do it again without a second thought.

The 2016 Mormon Theology Seminar recently wrapped up at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. We asked seminar participants to reflect on their experiences, offering a glimpse at what the Seminar's all about. This post features Matthew Bowman, associate professor of history at Henderson State University and author of The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith. Check out the full series of reflections from Mormon Theology Seminar participants here.