If you missed the Willes Book of Mormon Lecture by Kristin Matthews here's a quick overview in Tweets Skip to main content
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If you missed the Willes Book of Mormon Lecture by Kristin Matthews here's a quick overview in Tweets

I think the Institute's Twitter feed got more traffic than ever last week when Kristin Matthews delivered the 2015 Laura F. Willes Book of Mormon Lecture, 'Come Into the Fold of God: Caring for the Poor and Needy.' Here are a few highlights in case you missed it. (For all you non-Twitterites, keep in mind Tweets are limited to 140 characters each.)

Dr. Matthews began by explaining why she, a professor of American literature and culture specializing in Cold War and African American literature, was selected as speaker, following John L. Sorenson, James Faulconer, and Terryl L. Givens of years gone by.

By focusing on this theme, Matthews follows in the footsteps of one of the Book of Mormon's best readers, Hugh W. Nibley, who wrote and spoke frequently on precisely this subject.

Then came perhaps the most favorited Tweet the Institute has Tweeted in its short Twitter life. Feel free to increase that number and re-tweet, Twitter users:

Dr. Matthews provided an overview of some of the worst exemplars of inequality and greed in the Nephite record, but turned quickly to better exemplars.

From Lehi and company, who left their wealth when they departed Jerusalem, through King Benjamin and King Noah all the way to the Robbers who plagued Book of Mormon peoples to the end, Dr. Matthews cited example after example of greed and charity.Oh, and by the way:

Like Nibley and other scholars before her—not to mention LDS leaders like Ezra Taft Benson—Dr. Matthews affirmed that if the Book of Mormon is 'for our day' we must compare its warnings with our actual circumstances, leading us to take real action with real people:

For that reason, she challenged three myths that some people hold with regard to thinking about the poor.

Citing a variety of studies and reports, Dr. Matthews called on Book of Mormon readers to 'awake and arouse their faculties,' offering suggestions for how individuals, communities, the Church, and government can better succor those in need.

All of this because the Book of Mormon promises peace for societies who strive to fulfill these ideals.

Brian Hauglid, director of the Maxwell Institute's Willes Center, was on hand to thank Dr. Matthews on behalf of the Maxwell Institute and audience for her stirring address.

And in case you were wondering:

In the meantime, you can watch past Willes lectures on the Institute's YouTube channel. I made a special little playlist just for them. That's where Dr. Matthews's lecture will appear once it's been edited, so if you subscribe, you'll be notified.Of course, one of the best things about actually being there in person is that you can meet the speaker.


We hope to see you at the next public lecture event. It's the 2015 Neal A. Maxwell Lecture coming up in November. More details are coming soon.