The schedule for the Annual Summer Symposium on Mormon Culture* has been released. The symposium will take place next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1 pm to 4 pm at Brigham Young University. The symposium's theme is 'The History of the Mormon Family.' The schedule is as follows:
TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1�4 pm
Welcome�Claudia Bushman
- "The Urgent Need of a Home: Rescuing Mormon Girls and Young Women from the City"�Natalie Rose
- 'Shifting Boundaries and Redefining Adulthood: LDS Singles and Their Wards" �Sharon Harris
- "Conceiving Power and Identity: Natural Birth Narratives and Midwifery in Contemporary Mormonism" �Christine Blythe
- "Heavenly Mother in Poetry: It's Possible They're Projecting"�Rachel Hunt Steenblik
WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1�4 pm
Welcome�Richard Bushman
- "Home is Where the Exile Is: Ambivalence in the Mormon Settlement of Southern Alberta" �Brooke Brassard
- "Joining the Club: How Moving to Utah Affected LDS Young Women in the 1980s"�Heather Stone
- "Siring Gods: The History of Mormon Fertility Rhetoric and Patterns"�Stephen Cranney
- "Multiplying and Becoming One: Mormon Theological Interpretations of Sex" �Michael Haycock
FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1�4 pm
Welcome�Claudia Bushman
- "Home Invasion: The Media's Assault on Youth Culture and the Family and the Mormon Church's Response" �Tim Hoxha
- "Reorganizing Eternity: Understanding Brigham Young's Divorce Doctrine" �Bryce Taylor
- "Exploring Eternity: Orson Pratt Envisions the Family" �Chase Kirkham
Brigham Young University Joseph F. Smith Building Rooms 4186 & 4188
*This yearly symposium is sponsored by the Mormon Scholars Foundation. The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship and the Wheatley Institution are cosponsors. See here